I like to think i never do wrong to anyone and live by the golden rule. There are a lot of people (many I've never really met) who seem to think i am obnoxious and totally stuck up. I'm not sure where this opinion is coming from, but i really would like to know. Now I'm not asking for responses saying i am the sweetest person ever, because i know we all have our days, but what am i doing that is presenting this idea to everyone?
If i have ever said or done something to you that made you feel like I am a total snob for any reason, CALL ME OUT ON IT right now! This isn't an attention cry or a plea for respect, just a chance to possibly redeem myself for things I am unaware of. Not only do i strongly dislike when people are rude or act superior (because quite frankly, no one had the right to act like that), but it is always at it's worst when the person is unaware of their actions.
I DO NOT EVER WANT TO BE BIG HEADED AND CONCEITED. If I am starting to get that way, I want to know. I don't want to do or say anything that makes anyone feel inferior, because that isn't how i feel about anyone.
ps. Thanks to everyone who came out tonight! It was really great to get to talk to everyone and have our little sing-a-longs (: It always means the world to me, every single time. It was great to have my family there and linger around after the set with everyone else. I love acoustic shows. Hopefully we can do another soon.
Maybe this will get through to people.
My self esteem is lacking if anything.
I think I'm nice. I wish i had more time for everybody, and that isn't to say people are pining for my time either.
Soon, maybe everything will change.