Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Can I say something? (bulletin)

without sounding rude or mean?

I like to think i never do wrong to anyone and live by the golden rule. There are a lot of people (many I've never really met) who seem to think i am obnoxious and totally stuck up. I'm not sure where this opinion is coming from, but i really would like to know. Now I'm not asking for responses saying i am the sweetest person ever, because i know we all have our days, but what am i doing that is presenting this idea to everyone?

If i have ever said or done something to you that made you feel like I am a total snob for any reason, CALL ME OUT ON IT right now! This isn't an attention cry or a plea for respect, just a chance to possibly redeem myself for things I am unaware of. Not only do i strongly dislike when people are rude or act superior (because quite frankly, no one had the right to act like that), but it is always at it's worst when the person is unaware of their actions.

I DO NOT EVER WANT TO BE BIG HEADED AND CONCEITED. If I am starting to get that way, I want to know. I don't want to do or say anything that makes anyone feel inferior, because that isn't how i feel about anyone.


ps. Thanks to everyone who came out tonight! It was really great to get to talk to everyone and have our little sing-a-longs (: It always means the world to me, every single time. It was great to have my family there and linger around after the set with everyone else. I love acoustic shows. Hopefully we can do another soon.

Maybe this will get through to people.
My self esteem is lacking if anything.

I think I'm nice. I wish i had more time for everybody, and that isn't to say people are pining for my time either.
Soon, maybe everything will change.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

you my darling

have opened my eyes, removing that film , allowing me to see clearly, rather than through that sticky lace. the ancient curtains have turned to knots and bows with wings that flew to the ground, a light air lifting each drop.

There are so many reasons i feel inclined to say i love you.

On another knot.

The rain outside is louder the television downstairs. The scale reinstates my fate in nature, and that some day machines may wither and leaves will create.

Oh the joy in the green; oh the wreckage in machines.

oh and ps

i have paint on my fingers and it's flaking on my keyboard.
little teensy flecks like a map across the letters of words etc etc.

making arts

for you.

annnnd when i write stories they go to crap,
but songs they come to me like that.
so rather than writing my fluff life novel
i'll write a musical that makes the critics gravel
atmyfeet. do do do do do do.
on their kneeeeeees.

Monday, June 15, 2009

the only feeling in my gut

is my insides twisting in two.

i miss you
i miss you
i miss

Sunday, June 14, 2009

winter in june.

I am proud and gleeful and young and aching.
My bones are strong but sometimes they feel like dust. It breaks me sometimes to feel as if I've seen so much, when this whole life my eyes have barely been open.

I'm afraid of tomorrow, so I embrace it with my eyes shut.

It's just like jumping into icy water, in somehow No matter how tight you endure your top eyelashes intertwining with your lower eyelashes and clinging to each other as you close your eyes..

and, and, and, No matter how well you allow your nostrils to constrict under your fingers,
you still know just of the
cold that is coming fast.

I'm so sick of feeling cold.

you might not like it

when i get my cell phone.

i wonder where you are constantly.
what you're doing
who you're with.

i hate wondering.

still selfish.

on the road againnn

i just can't wait to get on the road again.

the next road will be a short one, to DC. I am super stoked, ecstatic actually. I only hope my soaring expectations are not too high. Then home for a day, then off to Cornerstone.

Then home for two weeks and off for 2 for tour.

Then only a few weeks until-- holy crap. I just realized i have a legitimate excuse to miss fair week this year. I'm going to be on tour. That just made me feel a little too cool.
Speaking of tour, we've got the vip passes, but we have to hole punch them ourselves. I seriously hope sse steps it up and whips it into shape prior to the week we leave. PLEASE DON'T RUIN THIS FOR US!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

and as

my feet search for a comfortable position,
they always, inevitably, fall right back into the bucket.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

i hope hope hope

you are doing okay okay okay.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

new plan

i stayed home.

as soon as i was home
by myself again

the sun came out.

all i could think about was the warmth of the sand by the dock and the breeze off lake erie.
i won't lie and say i don't miss it terribly, but i missed you more.

i traded a day for a week, but nothing for my everything.
can i have both?

i have a new plan, but i don't think you're going to like it.

Monday, June 8, 2009

i asked.

now we'll just see if you tell :/

i'm so worried.

all about what this is going to do to you, how it is just going to eat you up.

I wish it wasn't this way too, i do. I am trying to do something for me, and i know if i don't go I'm going to regret it all summer. 4 days. They are going to seem so long. I want to invite you to use this, kind of the way i do, so i know how you really feel..

i will, and maybe you will or maybe you won't.

no matter what, i love you.
and we hate the same people, so neither of us have anything to worry about.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


it's still rolled down.


Friday, June 5, 2009

oh i wish

you were here to baby me again.
the medicine has worn off, and the other is yet to kick in.
i deny it and deny it
but i secretly crave it when im alone.

tsk tsk tsk.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

yiddy diddty doo

i'm not weak when it comes to pizza.

just weak when it comes to youuu.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


up wake up wake uppp.


Monday, June 1, 2009

oh energy

love is like energy
never created
never destroyed
only changed.

I'm good where my energy is, i fear transitions. I woudl prefer to keep this insulated and all other conductors away.

I am selfish.